Used Injection moulding machinery for sale (1,143)
Injection molding machine
KraussMaffeiKM 650 - 8000 CM
Injection molding machine
ENGELvictory 200/40 TECH
Injection moulding machine
Engele-Victory 310H/50W/160
+44 20 806 810 84
Engel victory 200/50 spex (2019) robot USP, conveyor
Engelvictory 200/50 spex
STORK 900 T injection molding machine
STORKSXN 9000-8600
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Hydraulic Injection Moulding Machine
Krauss Maffei300-2000 CX
Injection molding machine
Arburg1500T 2000-400 Drehtisch vertikal
Injection molding machine
KraussMaffeiKM 800 – 12000 MX
PET Injection stretch blow molding machine
HAITIAN SA3200 (2008)
1400 T injection molding machine
StorkSXN 14000-12500
Injection molding machine
Injection molding machine
BATTENFELDHM 8000 2P/5400 B4
420t injection molding machine
NETSTAL4200K - 3700E
Demag Ergotech 4200-1450 (1999) Refurbished by Demag 2024
DemagErgotech 4200-1450
Injection molding machine
Injection molding machine
Stork SX-N 12000-8600
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton Complete retrofit
DemagERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Injection molding machine
KraussMaffeiKM 800 - 8000 MC
Krauss Maffei KM300-1000CX (2008) Low Hours : 28.000!
Krauss MaffeiKM300-1000CX
Injection molding machine
BATTENFELDHM 10000 2P/9200
Engel Victory 330/180 tech (2015), duroplast, Engel VIPER 40 linear robot
EngelVictory 330/180 tech
Engel victory 330/180 tech (2015) VIPER40 robot, DUROPLAST
Engelvictory 330/180 tech
Krauss Maffei 160-750CX POL (2013) DUROPLAST, LRX 150 robot
Krauss Maffei160-750CX POL
Engel ES11050/1000 DUO (year 2002) 1000 ton, ERC linear Robot
EngelES11050/1000 DUO
Used Injection moulding machinery (1,143)
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+44 20 806 810 84