Used Reactors, boilers, containers for sale (145)
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Machinery for chemical & pharmaceutical industry Reactors, boilers, containers

18,545 km
Pharmatec GmbH pharma reactors - NEW - Stainless Steel Reactor
Pharmatec GmbHpharma reactors - NEW
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2021, General
SKU: LT012
Location: Barneveld
Make: PharmatecGmbH/SyntegonTechnology/Pepperl+Fuchs
Year of construction: 2021
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 350Ltr.
Motor: 0.09KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: (3x)7Ltr.,20Ltr.,(2x)80Ltr.,120Ltr.,190Ltr.,350Ltr.
With jacket: ✔
Max. temperature: -10/95°C
With propellor stirrer: MagneticZETA,Type:BMRT
Motor: 0.09kW,230-400Volt,(Ex)
Mounted on legs: ✔
With switch: ✔
CE: ✔
With switchgear: ✔
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: nload
Manufacturer:SyntegonPharmatecGmbH/Germany-2021-PressureEquipmen tDirective(PED)2014/68/EU
-VesselspassedtheirFATtestingandavailableforpurchase&shipmen t
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,776 km
Synthesis microwave reactor
Condition: excellent (used), Year of construction: 2019, operating hours: 200 h, Functionality: fully functional, operating temperature: 95 °C, total height: 2,780 mm, total length: 5,700 mm, total width: 1,710 mm, For sale, used but in a great functional condition
A continuous synthesis reactor for organic compounds, based on microwave system, built in ATEX class II norm
3 raw material tanks, 100 L each
2 top entry agitators
1 CIP tank
2 finished product tanks, 50 L each
3 pumps
1 microwave with 2 generators (2450 MHz), 12 kW power output, fully conform to EU safety standards
All high quality materials steel 1.4404, PTFE, Duran glass or similar
High quality components (tanks, pumps etc), sensors and transducers, made in EU - full list available
PLC controlled via 24V DC, with dedicated software
Documentation available

18,139 km
Vacuum Pressure Container
Year of construction: 2008, Condition: ready for operation (used), There are two identical machines available, capacity: 70l, max. operational temperature: 100°C, operational pressure: -1 to 1bar, with agitator.

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17,824 km
Pressure vessel
ZVU Strojirny
Condition: as good as new (ex-display), 4 available.
Unused ZVU Strojirny approximately 89,520 litre total capacity & 73,500 litre working capacity 316L stainless steel vertical reactor.
Unit measures approximately 4,100mm internal diameter x 5,750mm straight side (tan to tan).
Unit has welded dished top and bottom heads.
Internal rated 6 bar/full vacuum design pressure at 170 deg.c.
Has external half-pipe coil jacket on bottom half of straight side and bottom dished head rated 10 bar/full vacuum design pressure at 170 deg.c.
Unit has top entry 316L stainless steel 4-blade agitator driven by ABB 350kw, 1500rpm, 3/50 motor through SPX Flow type 7000N350V gearbox with reduction ratio of 7.94/1 giving approximately 189rpm output.
Reactor body is mounted on (4) 304 stainless steel side supports.
Unit built in 2021 and currently stored nitrogen purge.

18,545 km
Pharmatec GmbH 120 Ltr mobile pharma reactor - NEW - Stainless Steel Reactor
Pharmatec GmbH120 Ltr mobile pharma reactor - NEW
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2021, General
SKU: LT007
Location: Germany
Make: PharmatecGmbH/SyntegonTechnology/Pepperl+Fuchs
Type: SolventTank
No.: 12474
Year of construction: 2021
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 120Ltr.
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 120Ltr(150Ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.492x672mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Outlet: G1"
With jacket: (21,0Ltr,1,02M2)
Max. temperature: -10/95Degr.C.
With propellor stirrer: "MagneticZETA,TypeBMRT50WEXSDk"
Motor: (Ex)
Speed mixing shaft: 125-860rpm
With switchgear: ✔
Total height: +/-1.5M2
CE: ✔
Mounted on legs: "mobileskid"
With switch: ✔
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: Thetankisequippedwithapressuregauge,temperaturesensorandlevelswi tches,valves(manuallyorpneumaticallyoperated)itionally,apHsensora ndalevelmeasurementdeviceandsightglasslight tankisprovidedwi thacoolingjacketandtemperaturecontrol.-Systemconnectionsforproduc tinletandoutlet,NitrogenorProcessair,wasteairviainletnozzle,CIPsy stem,Electricalconnections/powersupply,Controlsystem,Coolingwater -VesselinsideelectropolishedRa<0,8μm
-ThesystemisrealizedasstandalonesystemwithSIMATICdataexchange(S7 -S7coupling).
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Pharmatec GmbH 20 Ltr mobile pharma reactor - NEW - Stainless Steel Reactor
Pharmatec GmbH20 Ltr mobile pharma reactor - NEW
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2021, General
SKU: LT004
Location: Germany
Make: PharmatecGmbH/SyntegonTechnology/Pepperl+Fuchs
Type: MainFractionTank
No.: 12462
Year of construction: 2021
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 20.5Ltr.
Motor: 0.09KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 15,0Ltr(20,5Ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia,250x315mm
Outlet: 3/4"
With jacket: (4,5Ltr,0,19m2)
Max. temperature: -10/95degr.C.
With propellor stirrer: "MagneticZETA,TypeBMRT50WEXSDk"
Motor: 0.09kW,230-400Volt,(Ex)
Speed mixing shaft: 125-860rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
With switchgear: ✔
Total height: +/-1,5M2
CE: ✔
Mounted on legs: "mobileskid"
With switch: ✔
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: -Thetankisequippedwithapressuregauge,temperaturesensor,levelswit chesandvalves(manuallyorpneumaticallyoperated),safetyvalveandarup turedisc;Thevesselisprovidedwithacoolingjacketandtemperaturecontr ol.
-Systemconnectionsforproductinletandoutlet,NitrogenorProcessair, wasteairviainletnozzle,CIPsystem,Electricalconnections/powersuppl y,Controlsystem,Coolingwater-VesselinsideelectropolishedRa<0,8 μm
-ThesystemisrealizedasstandalonesystemwithSIMATICdataexchange(S7 -S7coupling).
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
ASCA 10000 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
ASCA10000 Ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1997, General
SKU: 245P288
Location: Barneveld
Make: AscaMetallwarenfabrikBehälter-undApparatebau(DE)
No.: 2015
Year of construction: 1997
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 10000Ltr.
Motor: 33KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 10.000ltr
Vessel sizes: dia.2200mmx3000mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: DN600
Top connections: (2x)DN300,(3x)DN100,(3x)DN80
Outlet: DN100,withvalve
With jacket: 900ltr
Max. temperature: 160degrC
With propellor stirrer: ✔
With dissolver stirrer: ✔
Motor: 8/33KW,400Volt
Speed mixing shaft: 160/320rpm
Floorspace: 3,0x3,0M
Total height: 6,0M
Weight: 6500KG
Extra Specifications: withEkatoEM2100agitator
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Bioengineering D574, 50Ltr. Fermentor (Bio) - Stainless Steel Reactor
BioengineeringD574, 50Ltr. Fermentor (Bio)
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1988, General
SKU: 266U441
Location: Barneveld
Make: Bioengineering
Type: LP351
No.: D574
Year of construction: 1988
Working pressure: 2.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 4Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 50Ltr.
Motor: 4.9KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 50Ltr.(max.75Ltr.)
Vessel sizes: dia.345x870mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Top connections: dia.80mm,20mm(7x)
Outlet: dia.20mm
With jacket: ✔15Ltr.
Max. temperature: 150°C
With propellor stirrer: ✔(double)Rushton-turbine
Motor: 4,9kW,260volt,3250rpm
Speed mixing shaft: 1083rpm
Mounted on legs: ✔
With switch: ✔
With switchgear: ✔(asis)
Weight: 450+220+210kg
Floorspace: 0,8x0,85m
Total height: 1,9m
Extra Specifications: asa50-litercapacity,jacketaroundthevesselworksat4Barandalsosuppo rtsvacuum.
Keyfeaturesincludeadishedbottom,topconnections(Ø80mmandØ20mm),as adoubleRushton-turbinepropellerstirrerpoweredbya4.9kWmotorrunning at3250rpm,reactorismadeofstainlesssteel(1.4404-316L),mountedonleg s,andincludesaswitchandswitchgear(asis)control,ithasvariouscontro llersliketheSPCpressurecontroller,SPCpO1Sequencecontroller,SPCAgi tationcontroller,lsofeaturessterilizationautomation,apowerunit,as a12kWheaterforheatingpurposes.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Hinke 80 Ltr. - Stainless Steel Reactor
Hinke80 Ltr.
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2011, General
SKU: 406T1283
Location: Barneveld
Make: HinkeTankbauGmbH
No.: 10711
Year of construction: 2011
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 4Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 80Ltr.
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 80Ltr.
Vessel sizes: ø400x400mm
Top connections: DN40
Outlet: DN40
With jacket: 9Ltr.
Max. temperature: 0/150°C
Motor: ✔
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4301(304)
Mounted on legs: ✔
CE: ✔
Weight: 150kg
Extra Specifications: UNUSED
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Rudert Edelstahl-Technik Reaktor 10m3 - Stainless Steel Reactor
Rudert Edelstahl-TechnikReaktor 10m3
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2004, General
SKU: R1336
Location: Barneveld
Make: RudertEdelstahlTechnikGmbH(D)
Type: Reaktor10m3
No.: P033321
Year of construction: 2004
Working pressure: 2Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 10000Ltr.
Motor: 37KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 10000ltr.
Vessel sizes: dia.2400x3500mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: dia600
Top connections: DN100(3x),DN150(2x)DN250(1x)
Outlet: DN150
Half coil jacketed: ✔
Max. temperature: 170degr.C
With paddle stirrer: ✔
Motor: 37kW230/400Volt
Speed mixing shaft: 80rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Mounted on legs: ✔
Weight: 6000Kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 2,8x2,7M
Total height: 5,9M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Hinke 13000 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Hinke13000 Ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2000, General
SKU: 345S768
Location: Barneveld
Make: HinkeTankbauGmbH(AT)
Type: 16.620Ltr
No.: 8295
Year of construction: 2000
Working pressure: 3.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 9Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 13000Ltr.
Motor: 30KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 13.000Ltr(max.:16.620Ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.2400x4000mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: DN600
Top connections: DN200,DN150,DN100,DN80,DN50
Outlet: DN80
Half coil jacketed: (447+57Ltr)
Max. temperature: -25/200°C
With paddle stirrer: ✔(SDR45-10S)
Motor: 30,0kW,400/690Volt(EExdeIICT4)
Speed mixing shaft: 65rpm
Floorspace: 2,8x2,4m
Total height: 4m
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Enco 509 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Enco509 Ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1996, General
SKU: 356S847
Location: Barneveld
Make: EncoEnergieComponentenGmbH(AT)
Type: 509ltr
No.: 8317/1
Year of construction: 1996
Working pressure: 6Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 10Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 509Ltr.
Motor: 0.55KW
Pressure: 6Bar
Vacuum: ✔
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 509Ltr.
Vessel sizes: dia.800x900mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: HandholeDN200
Top connections: DN125,DN100,(3x)DN80,DN50
Outlet: DN80
Half coil jacketed: (64lLtr.)
Max. temperature: -29/160Degr.C,
With propellor stirrer: ✔
Motor: 0.55kW230/400volt(Ex)
Speed mixing shaft: 356Rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Notified body: (Tuv)
Capacity: 509Ltr
Vessel sizes: dia.800x900mm
Dished bottom: ✔
With cover: ✔
Manhole: DN200
Top connections: DN125,DN100,(3x)DN80,DN50
Outlet: DN80
Max. temperature: -29/160Degr.C,
Half coil jacketed: (64Ltr)
Max. temperature: -29/160Degr.C
With propellor stirrer: ✔
Motor: 0.55kW230/400volt(Ex)
Speed mixing shaft: 356rpm
Total height: 2,4M
Weight: 600Kg
Floorspace: 1,4x1,4M
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Stoecklin 6300 ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Stoecklin6300 ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1985, General
SKU: R0903
Location: Barneveld
Make: WalterStöcklinAG(CH)
Type: 6300ltr.
No.: 1329
Year of construction: 1985
Working pressure: 3.2Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 16Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 6300Ltr.
Motor: 11.2KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 8500ltr(nett6300ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.2000x2500mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: dia.580mm,coverismissing
Top connections: dia.160mm(5x),dia.265mm(2x)
Outlet: dia.130mm
Half coil jacketed: (280ltr.)
Max. temperature: -30/200degr.C
With propellor stirrer: ✔
With paddle stirrer: "EkatoEM100D"
Motor: 3,07/11,2kW380Volt(Ex)(402/1465rpm)
Speed mixing shaft: 19-69rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4435(316L)
Total height: 4,8M
Weight: 5500Kg
Floorspace: 2,6x2,5M
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: 2xextraconnectionsinthevesselwalldia.200mm
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Jachan EK 3 380 Ltr. - Stainless Steel Reactor
JachanEK 3 380 Ltr. - Stainless Steel Reactor
Condition: used, SKU : 204U044
Location : Barneveld
Make : Jachan GmbH
No. : JA2/3256
Year of construction : 2003
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material finish : Drum mirror polished
Working pressure : 3 Bar
Vacuum possible : check
Working pressure jacket : 4 Bar
Number of vertical pressure tanks : 1
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Volume : 380 Ltr.
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor : check
Capacity : 380 ltr
Vessel sizes : Diam. 1200x600 mm
Dished bottom : check
Dished top side : check
Manhole : Dia. 500mm
Top connections : check
Outlet : check
With jacket : check 44Ltr.
Max. temperature : 60°C
With propellor stirrer : check MR-125 magnetic stirrer
Material : Stainless steel 1.4305 (303)
Mounted on legs : On wheels
Floorspace : 2,0x1,4 m
CE : check
Total height : 2,2 m
Weight : 850 kg
Extra Specifications : With Endress+Hauser, frm245, micro pilot M inox radar level meter
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
CMR Brevetti 2500 ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
CMR Brevetti2500 ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1989, General
SKU: R0811
Location: Barneveld
Make: CMRBrevettiRavinet(Ita)
Type: 2500ltr
No.: 2010
Year of construction: 1989
Working pressure: 3.2Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 16Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 2500Ltr.
Motor: 3.6KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 3610ltr(nett.2500ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.1600mmx2170mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: DN500
Top connections: 3xDN200,4xDN100,
Outlet: DN100
Half coil jacketed: (140ltr(
Max. temperature: -30/200degr.C
With propellor stirrer: ✔
Motor: 3.6kW,380Volt(EX)
Speed mixing shaft: 235rpm
Total height: 3,4M
Weight: 1700Kg
Floorspace: 2,2x2,2M
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
GPI 30m3 Vacuum steam distillation - Stainless Steel Reactor
GPI30m3 Vacuum steam distillation
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2018, General
SKU: R0371
Location: Barneveld
Make: GPITanks&ProcessEquipment
Type: 30m3vacuumsteamdistillationvessel
No.: 317233-10
Year of construction: 2018
Working pressure: 1Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 16Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 29900Ltr.
Motor: 7.5KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 29.900Ltr(workingvolume25.400Ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.2500x6975mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Top connections: (11x)
Outlet: dia.80mm
Internal heating spiral: (5x80Ltr)
Max. temperature: -20/+220Degr.C.
With paddle stirrer: gia
Motor: 7,5kW,400VoltExdeIIBT4GbAtex
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Total height: 8,3M
Weight: 6.850KG(vesselweightwithoutagitator)
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 2,9x2,9M
Extra Specifications: ++Vesselhasnojacket,thereare5internalspirals++
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Büchi Glass 25 Ltr - Glass-lined Reactor
BüchiGlass 25 Ltr - Glass-lined Reactor
Condition: used, SKU : R0156
Location : Barneveld
Make : Buechi AG (CH) Büchi glas Uster
Type : 99 06217 0033
No. : 36890/03104
Year of construction : 2003
Working pressure : 0.5 Bar
Vacuum possible : check
Working pressure jacket : 10 Bar
Vacuum possible jacket : check
Main Features
Material : Glass
Volume : 25 Ltr.
Motor : 0.37 KW
Specified Features - Glass-lined Reactor
Reactor : check
Capacity : 25 ltr.
Vessel sizes : dia.300x350mm
Dished bottom : check
Top connections : dia. 50mm (1x) dia. 40mm (2x) dia. 70mm (1x) dia. 25m(1x)
Outlet : dia 40mm
With jacket : (7 lt.)
Max. temperature : -60 / 200 degr. C
With propellor stirrer : check
Motor : 0,37 kW 230/400 Volt Ex
Glass Reactors
Material : Glass
Weight : 600 Kg
CE : check
Mounted on legs : check
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Tycon Italy CE6300 - Glass-lined Reactor
Tycon ItalyCE6300 - Glass-lined Reactor
Condition: used, SKU : 221S091
Location : Barneveld
Make : Tycon (IT)
Type : 6300
No. : 3949
Year of construction : 1990
Working pressure : 6 Bar
Vacuum possible : check
Working pressure jacket : 7 Bar
Main Features
Material : Glass
Volume : 6300 Ltr.
Motor : 15 KW
Specified Features - Glass-lined Reactor
Reactor : check
Capacity : 7595 ltr. ( nett 6300 ltr.)
Dished bottom : check
Dished top side : check
Manhole : DN500
Top connections : DN150 (5x), DN250 (2x)
Outlet : DN150
With jacket : (695 ltr.)
Max. temperature : -30/200 degr. C.
With paddle stirrer : Ekato Fremdrührwerk material 1.4571
Motor : 15 kW 400 volt (Ex)
Speed mixing shaft : 6.5-31.5 rpm
ATEX compatible : check
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Hinke 80 Ltr. - Stainless Steel Reactor
Hinke80 Ltr.
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2011, General
SKU: 406T1287
Location: Barneveld
Make: HinkeTankbauGmbH
No.: 10713
Year of construction: 2011
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 4Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 80Ltr.
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 80Ltr.
Vessel sizes: ø400x400mm
Top connections: DN40
Outlet: DN40
With jacket: 9Ltr.
Max. temperature: 0/150°C
Motor: ✔
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4301(304)
Weight: 150kg
CE: ✔
Mounted on legs: ✔
Extra Specifications: UNUSED
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Albi Alois Binderberger 6300 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Albi Alois Binderberger6300 Ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1996, General
SKU: 356S849
Location: Barneveld
Make: AloisBinderbergerAlbi(AT)
Type: 6300ltr.
No.: 1360
Year of construction: 1996
Working pressure: 3.2Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 10Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 6300Ltr.
Motor: 7KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 5800Ltr(total6300)
Vessel sizes: dia.1800x2000mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: DN450
Top connections: DN25(4x),DN50(2x),DN80(3x)
Outlet: DN50
Half coil jacketed: (120ltr)
Max. temperature: -20/130Degr.C.
With paddle stirrer: SpeissSemix060
Motor: ✔
Speed mixing shaft: 146rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4539(904L)
Total height: 4,7m
Weight: 2900kg
Floorspace: 2,5x2,5m
Extra Specifications: withdifferentspareparts(asitis)and2xHastelloyC22TurbodiscVSHF100 /360dgrtankwashers
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Bunting Titanium ±1200 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Bunting Titanium±1200 Ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1990, General
SKU: 268U459
Location: Barneveld
Make: BuntingTitanium
No.: F7827
Year of construction: 1990
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Titanium
Volume: 1200Ltr.
Motor: 0.55KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Yttrium,TitaniumBetaC,Stainlesssteel1.4306(304L),Titanium
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: ±1300Ltr.
Vessel sizes: Dia:1150x1800mm
Conical bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: ✔
Top connections: Dia:47mm(4x),70mm(3x),100mm
Outlet: ✔Dia:70mm
With jacket: ✔
With propellor stirrer: ✔double
Motor: 0,55kW,230/400Volt,675rpm
Mounted on legs: ✔
Floorspace: 1,5x1,5m
Total height: 3m
Weight: 1300kg
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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18,545 km
Bioengineering D768 50Ltr. Fermentor (Bio) - Stainless Steel Reactor
BioengineeringD768 50Ltr. Fermentor (Bio)
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1990, General
SKU: 266U442
Location: Barneveld
Make: Bioengineering
Type: LP351
No.: D768
Year of construction: 1990
Working pressure: 2.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 4Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 50Ltr.
Motor: 4.9KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 75Ltr.(Netto50Ltr.)
Vessel sizes: Dia:345x870mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Top connections: ✔Dia:80mm,20mm(7x)
Outlet: Dia:20mm
With jacket: ✔Volume15Ltr.
Max. temperature: 150°C
With propellor stirrer: ✔(double)Rushton-turbine
Motor: 4,9kW,260volt,3250rpm,
Speed mixing shaft: 3250rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Mounted on legs: ✔
With switch: ✔
With switchgear: ✔(asis)585x600x1820mm
Weight: 460+220kg
Floorspace: 0,8x0,85m
Total height: 1,9m
Extra Specifications: WithSPCpressurecontrollerSPCpO1Sequencecontroller,SPCAgitationco ntroller,SPCtempcontrollerandsterilizationautomatic,powerunit
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Stoecklin 6300 ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Stoecklin6300 ltr
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1985, General
SKU: R0809
Location: Barneveld
Make: Stöcklin(CH)
Type: 6300ltr.
No.: 1335
Year of construction: 1985
Working pressure: 3.2Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 16Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 6300Ltr.
Motor: 11KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4435(316L)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 8500ltr(nett.6300ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.2000mmx3050mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: DN600
Top connections: 5xDN150,2xDN250
Outlet: dia.130mm
Half coil jacketed: (280ltr)
Max. temperature: -30/200degr.C.
With paddle stirrer: "TypeEM100-D"
Motor: 8/11kW,380Volt(EX)
Speed mixing shaft: 6,9-69rpm
Total height: 4,9M
Weight: 3500Kg
Floorspace: 2,5x2,5M
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Rhe Händel 5000Ltr. "with internal coil" - Stainless Steel Reactor
Rhe Händel5000Ltr. "with internal coil"
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2004, General
SKU: 292W532
Location: Barneveld
Make: RheHändelEngineering
No.: 3161
Year of construction: 2004
Working pressure: 10Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 5000Ltr.
Motor: 18.5KW
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 5000l
Vessel sizes: Dia.1800x2400mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: ✔DN400
Top connections: ✔
Outlet: DN80
With jacket: ✔Volume170l,allowabletemp300°C
Internal heating spiral: ✔volume170l,allowabletemp300°C
Max. temperature: 300°C
With turbo stirrer: ✔turbinestirrer,2tier
Motor: 18,5kW,1474rpm400/690V(EX)
Speed mixing shaft: 63rpm
Stainless Steel Reactors
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Mounted on legs: Hanging
Floorspace: 2x2m
CE: ✔
Total height: 3,5m
Weight: 3500kg
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: Thereactorissuppliedwith:
✔hangingbrackets/mountingbrackets *2ballvalvesDN150&n bsp; *fillingcolumnDN350x3500mm,year:2004,material316Ti,pres sure-1/+10bar,perature300°C,370kg *additionhopperRHE,n o.3166,capacity40l,year:2004,pressure-1/+10bar,perature50°C
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

18,545 km
Chema 4000l 35891 ID - Stainless Steel Reactor
Chema4000l 35891 ID
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2010, General
SKU: 386W1190
Location: Barneveld
Make: chema
No.: 35391
Year of construction: 2010
Working pressure: 6Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 3Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 4000Ltr.
Motor: 0.75KW
Vacuum: ✔
Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4301(304)
Stainless Steel Reactors
Reactor: ✔
Capacity: 4000l(4500l)
Vessel sizes: 1600x2500mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
Manhole: ✔(500mm)
Top connections: ✔
With jacket: ✔
Max. temperature: -10/100°C
With turbo stirrer: ✔
Motor: 0.75kW,400V,1330rpm
Speed mixing shaft: 130rpm
Total height: 3.5m
Weight: 2200kg
Floorspace: 2.5x2.5m
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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