Glogar GmbH from St. Florian b. Linz:

Glogar GmbH gehört zu den führenden Unternehmen in der Entwicklung von Reinigungssystemen zur Bauteilreinigung im Bereich der industriellen Teilereinigung. Teilereinigungsanlagen bzw. Teilereinigungsmaschinen zur Metallreinigung und Entfettung von Oberflächen, sowie zur Werkstückreinigung und Gebindereinigung.

Neben der klassischen Teilereinigung von Werkstücken und Werkzeugen aus der Metall- und Kunststoffverarbeitung bieten wir auch maßgeschneiderte Reinigungskonzepte zur Vorbehandlung vor dem Lackieren und hochwertigen Beschichtungsprozessen wie PVD/PACVD und DLC, sowie der Wärmebehandlung.

Vom manuellen Waschtisch für den Instandhaltungsbereich, über klassische Teilewaschanlagen - für Bauteile bis zu einer Größe von 2x2 Meter - bis zu großvolumigen zu reinigenden Bauteilen, Reinigungsanlagen für Reparaturbetriebe bis hin zur Mehrkammer Ultraschallreinigungsmaschine finden Sie alle Typen von Reinigungsanlagen in unserem Portfolio. In unserem Technikum führen wir für Sie bzw. gerne auch mit Ihnen gemeinsam Probewaschungen in Teilewaschmaschinen, Spritzreinigungsanlagen, Tauchreinigungsanlagen, Ultraschallreinigungsanlagen durch.

Teilereinigungsanlagen für wasserbasierende Reiniger als auch mit modifiziertem Alkohol stehen für Versuchswäschen zur Verfügung. Um den immer höheren Anforderungen an die Bauteilsauberkeit (nach VDA 19) im Bereich Restschmutz und Oberflächenspannung gerecht zu werden, wurden in den letzten Jahren viele innovative Lösungen im Bereich Feinstreinigungsanlagen und Präzisionsreinigungsanlagen umgesetzt.

Wir konzipieren wirtschaftliche, hochwertige und umweltfreundliche Reinigungschemie auf wässriger Basis und auf Basis von Lösemittel (modifizierter Alkohol, Dowclene 1601). VOC-freie Reiniger, Teilereinigungsprodukte zum Reinigen, Entfetten und Entrosten, sowie Korrosionsschutzprodukte und Schweißtrennmittel runden unser Reiniger Sortiment ab. Da wir uns als Systemlieferant für die Industrie sehen, finden Sie auch Reinigungspapier, Reinigungstücher, Ölbindemittel, Sprühgeräte und Dosiersysteme in unserem Lieferprogramm.

Mr Peter Zeinhofer
Tagerbachstraße 10
4490 St. Florian b. Linz

further legal information

Tagerbachstraße 10
AT-4490 St. Florian
Geschäftsführung: Herr Peter Zeinhofer / Herr Martin Vatier / Frau Kathrin Vatier
Firmengericht: Landesgericht Steyr
Firmenbuch-Nr.: FN 182072d
Behörde gem. ECG: BH Linz-Land
UID Nummer: ATU46863103

Current classifieds & top offers:

Metall part washer

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type L102 automatically working hot water parts washer with basket drive by gear motor, 2 sta ...

Metal parts washer, camber

Spray Cleaning Plant - Parts Washing Plant - NEW SYSTEM / pilot plant Basket useful dimensions: LxW 1.100 x 1.100 mm net height: 800 mm max ...

Parts washer, spray washing machine

Parts cleaning system / spray cleaning system type CM13, 2-tank (washing + rinsing) including air knife blowing off basket Ø: 1.300 mm (oct ...

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More classifieds & machinery offers:

Metall part washer

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type L102 automatically working hot water parts washer with basket drive by gear motor, 2 stainless steel washing pumps (Fab. Lowara)......

Metal parts washer, camber

Spray Cleaning Plant - Parts Washing Plant - NEW SYSTEM / pilot plant Basket useful dimensions: LxW 1.100 x 1.100 mm net height: 800 mm max. loading weight: 700 kg tank volume: 32......

Parts washer, spray washing machine

Parts cleaning system / spray cleaning system type CM13, 2-tank (washing + rinsing) including air knife blowing off basket Ø: 1.300 mm (octagonal) max. loading weight: from 1.000k......

Hot washing spray machine

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type L102 automatically working hot water parts washing machine with basket drive by means of gear motor, 2 stainless steel washing p......

Ultrasonic metal part washer

Ultrasonic washing machine- ultrasonic cleaning device Bde9387Llu with attached oil separator and insulated hinged cover Floor ultrasound, frequency: 25 kHz Power (eff./peak): 750 ......

Metal part spray washer

Parts cleaning machine - spray cleaning system type L90 automatically working hot water parts washer with basket drive by means of gear motor, stainless steel washing pump (Fa. Low......

High pressure washing part cleaner

HD washbasin - HD brush washbasin Washstand has an adjustable 60 bar HD pump with which the cleaning takes place in a closed working chamber. The cleaning is done by means of aqueo......

Spray washing machine for metal parts

Spray cleaning system - Parts washing system with hinged door 1-tank version (washing), tank vol. 320 litres basket: LxW 1.100 x 1.100 mm useful height: 800 mm max. loading weight:......

Parts washer - cleaning system

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type L90 automatic working hot water part washing machine with basket drive by gear motor, stainless steel washing pump (Fab. Lowara)......

Ultrasonic parts washing unit

Ultrasonic cleaning device Glogar Ultrasonic 1600H Tank capacity max.: 162 litres Basket dimensions (usable): 480 x 525 x 300h mm Inner tank dimensions: 600 x 600 x 450h mm Outer d......

Cleaning system - Top loader

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type TR450 The spray rotary cleaning system type TR450 is an automatic cleaning and degreasing system with a cover that can be easil......

Ultrasonic washing machine

Ultrasonic cleaning system, ultrasonic washing system including automatic pneum. Fabric lift; max. loading weight: 250kg useful dimensions: platform: 1.100x500 mm, useful height: 4......

Ultrasonic parts washing unit

Ultrasonic cleaning device Glogar Ultrasonic 600H Tank capacity max.: 58 litres Basket dimensions (usable): 400 x 255 x 220h mm Internal tank dimensions: 500 x 330 x 350h mm Outer ......

Solvent metal washing machine

Fully automatic solvent cleaning system KP100 HMA for operation with solvents (hydrocarbon or mod. alcohol) under full vacuum. The cleaning and drying process takes place fully au......

Parts washing machine for metal parts

These parts washers are designed for spray washing, using aqueous detergents at a temperature of 60°C maximum. All machines are made of AISI 304 stainless steel and they are models......

Parts washing machine for metal parts

These parts washers are designed for spray washing, using aqueous detergents at a temperature of 60°C maximum. All machines are made of AISI 304 stainless steel and they are models......

Spray cleaning system - Toploader

Parts cleaning machine, spray cleaning system type L122 automatically working hot water chamber washing machine with basket drive by means of gear motor, housing of the plant made ......

Spray washing machine for metal parts

The spray cleaning system "RH S" is a compact, space-saving, automatically operating cleaning system, which meets high demands regarding cleaning/degreasing and drying results. Th......

Spray flood cleaning machine (3-tank)

Spray-flood cleaning system - Parts cleaning system for the highest requirements or precision and ultra-fine cleaning basket dimensions: LxWxH 600x400x300h mm max. loading weight:......

Spray washing machine for metal parts

Parts cleaning system, spray cleaning system type L90 automatic hot water parts washer with automatic basket drive by means of gear motor, stainless steel washing pump (Lowara), ro......

Parts washing machine for metal parts

These parts washers are designed for spray washing, using aqueous detergents at a temperature of 60°C maximum. All machines are made of AISI 304 stainless steel and they are models......

Hot washing spray machine

Parts cleaning machine / spray cleaning system type L102 Fsmzi9P9Q automatically working hot water parts washer with basket drive by gear motor, 2 stainless steel washing pumps (Fa......

Metal parts washer, camber

Spray cleaning plant - parts washing plant - NEW SYSTEM / pilot plant Basket useful dimensions: LxW 1.100 x 1.100 mm net height: 800 mm max. loading weight: 700 kg tank volume: 320......

Spray cleaning system - Toploader

Parts cleaning machine, spray cleaning system type L122 automatically working hot water chamber washing machine with basket drive by gear motor, housing of the unit made of stainle......

High pressure parts cleaner

HD washbasin - HD brush washbasin P09Yv The washbasin has an adjustable 60 bar high pressure pump with which cleaning takes place in a closed work area. The cleaning takes place wi......

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