Used Reprocessing & recycling equipment for sale (33)

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Plastic processing machinery Reprocessing & recycling equipment
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec G1S ACP  (3108)
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Hungary Tatabánya
18,028 km

Plastic mill shredder shredder
ModitecG1S ACP (3108)

Certified Dealer
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
Extrusion of plastic Precious Plastic
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Netherlands Zaandam
18,548 km

Extrusion of plastic
Precious Plastic

NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Folienwaschanlage
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Germany Sinsheim
18,601 km

NEUE HERBOLD HDPE Film washing line
NEUE HERBOLDHDPE Folienwaschanlage

Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
Plastic crusher John Brown Plastics Machinery Cumberland 37 B-Gran
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France Nantua
18,994 km

Plastic crusher
John Brown Plastics MachineryCumberland 37 B-Gran

Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
Conveying Screw  EB-170878A
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Germany Meckesheim
18,600 km

Conveying Screw

Certified Dealer
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-KP
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Netherlands Breda
18,625 km

Rapid Granulator

Certified Dealer
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
Plastic mill shredder shredder Moditec  G2S APC (3106)
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Hungary Tatabánya
18,028 km

Plastic mill shredder shredder
Moditec G2S APC (3106)

Certified Dealer
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
Fluid Bed Separator RW Recycling World FBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900
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Switzerland Merishausen
18,707 km

Fluid Bed Separator
RW Recycling WorldFBS 450 / FBS 600 / FBS 900

Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder ALPHATEC AD-S  75 compounding line
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Germany Wuppertal
18,549 km

Compounding line / twin-screw Extruder
ALPHATECAD-S 75 compounding line

Certified Dealer
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner WIPA agglomeration line PC 600
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Czech Republic Planá nad Lužnicí
18,227 km

Agglomeration line with crusher Lindner
WIPA agglomeration linePC 600

Centrifugal dryer/ dry cleaner HERBOLD T800
Centrifugal dryer/ dry cleaner HERBOLD T800
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Germany Meckesheim
18,600 km

Centrifugal dryer/ dry cleaner

Certified Dealer
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
Rapid Granulator Rapid 8045-Kurf
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Netherlands Breda
18,625 km

Rapid Granulator

Certified Dealer
Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL. 600 serie MR
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Netherlands Wijk bij Duurstede
18,569 km

Mono Rotor Shredder/shredder/shredder
Recycling Shredders & Solutions NL.600 serie MR

Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
Single screw extruder with repelletizer Plast-Tek / CF Scheer SEM 35/30
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Belgium Retie
18,643 km

Single screw extruder with repelletizer
Plast-Tek / CF ScheerSEM 35/30

Melt filter - screen changer ECON ESK 480 -4B
Melt filter - screen changer ECON ESK 480 -4B
Melt filter - screen changer ECON ESK 480 -4B
Melt filter - screen changer ECON ESK 480 -4B
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Germany Wuppertal
18,556 km

Melt filter - screen changer

Certified Dealer
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
Cutting Mill NEUE HERBOLD Typ SM 800 / 1200 S5 3
more images
Germany Hohenwestedt
18,204 km

Cutting Mill
NEUE HERBOLDTyp SM 800 / 1200 S5 3

Friction washer FA 3000 HERBOLD FA 3000
Friction washer FA 3000 HERBOLD FA 3000
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Germany Meckesheim
18,600 km

Friction washer FA 3000

Certified Dealer
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
Rapid Granulator Rapid 1514 (M20)
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Netherlands Breda
18,625 km

Rapid Granulator
Rapid1514 (M20)

Certified Dealer
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
Shredder Kuh Sheng  SSR
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Austria Mitte 68, 9125, Österreich
18,332 km

Kuh Sheng SSR

Granulator for plastic scraps Suzhou Langwang Machinery LW500G
Granulator for plastic scraps Suzhou Langwang Machinery LW500G
Granulator for plastic scraps Suzhou Langwang Machinery LW500G
Granulator for plastic scraps Suzhou Langwang Machinery LW500G
Granulator for plastic scraps Suzhou Langwang Machinery LW500G
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Belgium Retie
18,643 km

Granulator for plastic scraps
Suzhou Langwang MachineryLW500G

Single-screw extruder ES 75 - 28 L/D Alpahtec A-ES 75.28 V
Single-screw extruder ES 75 - 28 L/D Alpahtec A-ES 75.28 V
Single-screw extruder ES 75 - 28 L/D Alpahtec A-ES 75.28 V
Single-screw extruder ES 75 - 28 L/D Alpahtec A-ES 75.28 V
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Germany Wuppertal
18,556 km

Single-screw extruder ES 75 - 28 L/D
AlpahtecA-ES 75.28 V

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
Heavy duty granulator shredder Prosino PS-C-52120S
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Belgium Zedelgem
18,737 km

Heavy duty granulator shredder

Shredder HERBOLD HR 102 P
Shredder HERBOLD HR 102 P
Shredder HERBOLD HR 102 P
Shredder HERBOLD HR 102 P
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Germany Meckesheim
18,600 km


Certified Dealer
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
Low speed granulator Moditec Gtwin Plus ABS IMD
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Netherlands Wijk bij Duurstede
18,571 km

Low speed granulator
ModitecGtwin Plus ABS IMD

Single-screw extruder BATTENFELD UNI-EX 1-75-25 B
Single-screw extruder BATTENFELD UNI-EX 1-75-25 B
Single-screw extruder BATTENFELD UNI-EX 1-75-25 B
Single-screw extruder BATTENFELD UNI-EX 1-75-25 B
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Germany Wuppertal
18,556 km

Single-screw extruder

Certified Dealer

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