Durma Maschinen GmbH

Durma Maschinen GmbH from Staufenberg:
Der Konzern Durmazlar ist seit über 60 Jahren einer der weltweit größten Hersteller von Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen und gehört zu den international führenden Unternehmen seiner Branche.
2017 wurde mit der Durma Maschinen GmbH die erste deutsche Niederlassung mit Vorführzentrum in Staufenberg bei Gießen eröffnet.
Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst nachfolgende Technologien:
• 2D Faser-Laserschneidanlagen
• Rohrlaserschneidanlagen
• Plasmaschneidanlagen
• Biegezentrum
• Abkantpressen
• Tafelscheren
• Stanz-Nibbelmaschinen
• Rundbiegemaschinen
• Profilbiegemaschinen
• Ausklinkmaschinen
Zu diesen Produkten bieten wir Ihnen umfassende Serviceleistungen an: Von der Beratung, über Verkauf, Inbetriebnahme, Schulungen, Wartung, Softwareanwendungen, Ersatzteilversorgung bis hin zu einem umfangreichen Werkzeugangebot.
Durma Maschinen GmbH
Robert-Bosch- Straße 4
D-35460 Staufenberg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Gießen
Registernummer: HRB 9175
USt.-Id. Nr. gemäß § 27a UStG: DE312945552
Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer:
Tezcan Yigitoglu
Hüseyin Durmaz
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Make: DURMA Type: HD-FS 3015 Fiber Working range X-Y-Z: 3100x1550x125 mm Laser power: 2000 Watt Control: Siemens Sinumerik 840D Operating hours: 15 h Sheet thickness mild steel: 12......
Make: DURMA Bcqyznknuj Type: HD-F 3015 III Fiber Working range X-Y-Z: 3060x1530x160 mm Laser power: 10000 Watt IPG Control: Siemens Sinumerik 840D Operating hours: 0 h Sheet thickn......
Make: DURMA Type: HD-TC 60170 Fiber Year of construction: 2024 Automatic loading unit 6000 mm Unloading system 4000 mm Laser power: 2000 Watt Control: Siemens Sinumerik 840D Operat......
Make: DURMA Type: AD-S 30175 Year of construction: 2020* bending length: 3050 mm Press force: 1750 kN Control: DELEM DA-66T Operating hours: 32 h Controlled axes Backgauge: X,R,Z1,......
Machine Dimensions: • (L x W x H): 4,250 mm x 1700 mm c 2750 mm Technical data: Bend length: 3,050 mm Free stand passage: 2,600 mm Control: CNC ModEva 19T Controlled axes rear st......
Make: DURMA Type: AD-S 30135 Year of construction: 2018 Folding length: 3050 mm Pressing force: 1350 kN Control: CNC DT-15 Operating hours: 0 h Controlled 3 axes: Y1,Y2, X Clearanc......
Machine dimensions: - (L x W x H) 5,240 mm x 3,600 mm x 2,400 mm, - Width with console: 7,700 mm. - Length with filter: 11,000 mm Technical details: - Max. sheet size: 4.000 x 2.00......
Control unit - with NC control Conical bending device Side roll positioning electronically synchronized via PLC Safety mechanism for welding (welding possibility) on the machine Ma......
Bending performance 2200 KN Bending length 3050 mm Continuity betw. d. stands (mm) 2600 mm Stroke length (mm) 265 mm Throat depth 410 mm Height 530 mm Operating speed (mm/sec) Y ......
Table Shears: Cutting length 3100 mm Sheet metal thickness MS (450 N/mm2) 6 mm SS (700N/mm2) thickness 4 mm Stroke per min. 15 1/min Cutting angle 1 ° 30' Number of holders of 16 S......
Hydraulic bending machine with variable axes HRB 3V by Durma Technical data: Bending size: 3100 mm Bending capacity Ødx1, 5:51 mm Bending capacity Ødx5: 60 mm Mukgj0 On bending pe......
Bending capacity 60 t bending length 1250 continuity betw. d. stands (mm) 1050 7.5 mm stroke length (mm) 265 projection 410 height 530 operating speed (mm/sec) Y 10 motor power kW ......
Make: DURMA Type: AD-R 40400 Year of construction: NEW bending length: 4050 mm passage between the stands: 3400 mm Stroke: 365mm Installation height: 630 mm Throat: 510mm table hei......
Machine dimensions: - (L x W x H) 9,350 mm x 2800 mm x 2300 mm, length with filter 5300 mm. Technical details: - Max. Sheet size: 3,048 x 1,524 Max. - Max. Sheet weight: 200 kg/m²......
AD-S 40400 ABKANTPRESSEBending force / Bending force ton400Bending length / Bending length mm :4050Distance between columns :3400Y rapid speed / Express speed mm / sec: 100Y workin......
SPECIAL ACTION: Folding press AD-S 1260 length/width/height: 2300mm/1550mm/2850mm Weight: 47000 kg Bending force: 60 tons bending length: 1250 mm Passage between stands: 1050 mm St......
Bending power 2200 KN Bending length 3050 mm Passage between d. stands (mm) 2600 mm Bffzmirxrc Stroke length (mm) 265 mm Extension 410 mm Installation height 530 mm Operating speed......
This price applies exclusively to the demonstration machine Machine dimensions: - (L x W x H) 5308 mm x 2810 mm x 1860 mm, length with filter 6582mm. Technical details: - Year of......
The DA-69T control offers both 2D and 3D programming, which includes automatic calculation of the bending sequence and collision detection. The entire 3D machine setup includes mul......
Make: DURMA Type: HD-F 3015 III Fiber Year of manufacture: 2024 Working range X-Y-Z: 3060x1530x160 mm Laser power: 4000 Watt IPG Control: Siemens Sinumerik 840D Operating hours: 0 ......
Make: DURMA Type: AD-R 30220 bending length: 3050 mm Press force: 2200 kN Control: CNC DT-10 Operating hours: 0 h Controlled axes Backgauge: X,R passage between the uprights: 2600 ......
Make: DURMA Type: AD-S 30175 Year of construction: 2020 Folding length: 3050 mm Pressing force: 1750 kN Control: CNC DT-15 Operating hours: 33 h Bcq29blmc8 Controlled axes back gau......
Here a new AD-R 37220 is offered:Bending force: 220 tonsBending length: 3700Pass between uprights: 3100 mmHub: 265 mmInstallation height: 530 mmExtension: 410 mmTable height: 900 m......
The DA-69T controller offers both 2D and 3D programming, which includes automatic calculation of the bending sequence and collision detection. The entire 3D machine setup includes ......
Everything can be configured on request, very short production times and a high degree of flexibility. Gxtapq2......
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